2021.02.01 - Y Cloud Update
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I wanted to provide a quick summary of the status on the 3 products on the Y Cloud: Virtual Y, YMCA Universal App and Open Y.
Virtual Y:
- We have 145 YMCA Associations onboarding to the Y Cloud Virtual Y,
- We have completed the handover to 122 Ys, and,
- 67 Ys have launched live.
YMCA Universal App:
- We started the onboarding process for the YMCA Universal App in January.
- We have sent the sign-up form to over 20 YMCAs. We received responses from 4 YMCAs and are in the process of onboarding them.
- We want to be radically transparent throughout this journey. We are learning a lot of lessons as we work with the Ys. With what we learned in January and knowing each of your Y is in a different state for the mobile app, we are working with our partners to see if we can expedite the onboarding. There are many external dependencies like the turnaround time of the App Store. There are also internal dependencies that are specific to each individual Y. We are looking to improve our communication, to add clarity, and assist when possible.
- If you have submitted interest, please stay tuned as we anticipate to publish a tentative schedule within the next couple of weeks to all the Ys who have expressed interest in the App.
Open Y:
- We launched one live site for YMCA of Silicon Valley as a turnkey approach in January.
- We are currently working with 6 YMCAs on their Open Y deployment.
- As we learn what it takes to onboard these sites we’ll be reaching out to Ys that have expressed interest to start their onboarding process.
Our team is working hard to work with each of you in onboarding to one or more of the above mentioned digital products. In addition to the onboarding meetings, we also send communications from the Y Cloud mailbox. If you have not already done, please ensure to add this to your address book. We publish each of the memo in our Y Cloud website under the Updates tab.