Universal App User Group Charter
YMCA Universal User Group - Charter
The YMCA Universal App User Group (AUG) is part of the Y Cloud User Group (CUG). The AUG is a small and effect group of users from YMCAs across the country to provide inputs, feedback and guidance to the development of the YMCA Universal App.
AUG Role:
The AUG will be hosted by YMCA OF THE USA (Y-USA) on a periodic basis during the development of the YMCA Universal App (Y APP). Y-USA will share the ideas, concepts, samples, designs, layouts and mock-ups with the AUG. AUG will have the opportunity to see the previews, engage in discussions, provide inputs and feedback to Y-USA. Each Y that is willing to be in the AUG will nominate one resource to be part of the AUG.
AUG Responsibilities:
All AUG members will be required to be part of the meetings on a monthly or as needed basis.
Y-USA intends to do most of the communication electronically, to provide sufficient time for the AUG members to provide response.
Due to the active nature of the AUG and robust timelines, lack of attendance in two consecutive meetings or responses to two consecutive emails will forego to another Y member.
Consistent attendance is required to an active part of the committee
Commitment to participation and follow up with action items.
Meeting minutes will be sent out to the members after every meeting.
The AUG is a pilot initiative that will start with 25 AUG members.
Record Keeping:
All the documents related to the YMCA Universal APP will be posted in a centralized location for members to access (Which will have read-only access)
One of the guiding tenets of the Y Cloud team is Radical Transparency. There may be occasions where AUG members will be requested to maintain certain information confidential within our YMCA family. It is an expectation that the AUG members will maintain the confidentiality of such information.