2021.04.01- Y Cloud Update
I hope you are doing well and enjoying the spring weather. We had a very busy March. I wanted to provide a quick summary of the status on the 3 products on the Y Cloud: Virtual Y, YMCA Universal App and Open Y.
This email is being sent to the leaders and the points of contact of the YMCAs who have expressed interest in the Y Cloud.
- Where are we:
- We have 217 YMCA Associations, a total of 903 Y branches, who have expressed interest in one or more of these three products.
- Virtual Y:
- We have 156 YMCA Associations onboarding to the Y Cloud Virtual Y,
- We have completed the handover to 136 Ys, and,
- 86 Ys have launched live.
- YMCA Universal App:
- Open Y:
- We launched the live site for YMCA of Silicon Valley as a turnkey approach previously. We recently launched the Open Y site for YMCA of Greensboro.
- Our team is currently working with around 10 YMCAs to onboard them.
- If you are ready to migrate your website to Open Y, we are ready to deploy it for you. Please fill this survey to get it started. We are very excited to receive your interest expressed earlier. Now we want to know if you are ready to get started.
- Who has expressed interest?
- You can review this list to see your YMCA and the products you have expressed interest in Column-D. If the embedded link doesn’t work, you may need to copy the link and open in your browser to see the full list.
- If you have any changes, please send an email to the Y Cloud support team to make updates.
- Communication:
- Our team is working hard to work with each of you in onboarding to one or more of the above mentioned digital products. In addition to the onboarding meetings, we also send communications from the Y Cloud mailbox. If you have not already done, please ensure to add this to your address book. We publish each of the memo in our Y Cloud website under the Updates tab.
- We need your help:
If you are wondering, ‘Siva, there are many links in this email. I am confused what my next step is?’, here are two things you can do:
1. If you are interested in the YMCA Universal App, please fill this to express interest. It’s a simple Yes or No survey to help us refresh our list.
2. If you are ready to get started to migrate to the Open Y website, please fill this.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to email the Y Cloud team or to me directly.